$36.75 $49.00
Simply stunning. Pink roses represent affection and yellow roses mean joy and care. The shape is unique. The edges are softly scalloped and there are rounded pleats in the china too. The gold trim is just right. The pattern name is Rosanne.
This bold and beautiful teacup and saucer was created by Royal Stafford Bone China of England. They were the premier division of the Thomas Poole and Gladstone China Ltd company of Longton, England, another of the Staffordshire potteries.
The price also includes free US shipping, free gift wrapping and free shipping insurance.
Measurements: The saucer is 5.5" in diameter. The cup is 3.5" from rim to rim and 3" high.
This English teacup and saucer is in excellent condition. There are no chips, cracks or crazing. We do not sell damaged items. You may buy with confidence.
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1-3 business days
I'll do my best to meet these shipping estimates, but can't guarantee them. Actual delivery time will depend on the shipping method you choose.
Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. I'm not responsible for delays due to customs.
But please contact me if you have any problems with your order.
We specialize in custom orders for resellers all over the world. Contact us to discuss the details.
We no longer sell to China or the Middle East. Although the people are lovely, we have had too many delivery problems.
We ship within the continental US for free. For other areas, the order is sent via First Class International Mail with the US Post Office or with Global Shipping, a company that works with Etsy.
Of course, we are happy to work with large orders. Contact us through messages and explain your needs.
Do not wash any of the china in the dishwasher. It may cause crazing if boiling water is poured directly into the cup. These are not made for microwave use either.
We do not know the exact materials used in the china. We are selling them as decorative items.
We offer free gift wrapping on most items. It is mentioned in the listing.